Step 4. Ordering email

1. Enter the link to the website from which you want to receive the email (for example ) in the appropriate field and click the “Select” button.

Picture "Entering a link to the site"

2. Select the mail type to which the message will be sent.

To do this, choose the appropriate item and open the list of available emails

Picture "Selecting an email type"

If you have uploaded your own emails to us and want to use them, select “I am an investor”

3. Select an email from the list and click “Buy”.

4. Information about the received mail will be displayed in the center of the screen. If this does not happen, press the F5 key.

5. Copy the address of the email and use this data to register on the necessary site.
Activation available for 20 minutes

Picture "Checking for email"

To check if a message is in the mail, click the blue “Update” button.

6. A confirmation link or code will be displayed under the “Status” label.

Picture "Getting a link or code"

In our case, you need to view the full version of the letter,
because parsing on this site is not configured. This can happen if you register on an unpopular resource.

– To open the full version of the letter, click on the green button

– To receive an email to this email again, click the yellow button

– If you want to leave a comment on this mail, use the blue button

– To cancel the mail, click on the red button. After 20 minutes, the activation will be deleted automatically.

Picture "Received email"

This is how the full text from the letter looks like. Use the received code or link to complete the registration.
You can use create a regular expression from the received letter, so that in the future you will receive only the necessary information from the letter.