Step 8. Adding your own domains

What is it for? If the site on which you register doesn`t accept our or popular domains, to increase the uniqueness of the registered mail,
you can use this function

To add your own domain to our service, you need to use our Telegram bot

Click the start button, and enter your token (API key)
Choose a language that suits you and click «Add my domain»

Picture "Linking your domain"

Select the domain registrar. If your registrar isn`t there, you can click “My registrar is not present” and configure everything yourself, if you have any questions, write to our technical support and we will be happy to help!

In this guide, we will analyze how to add a domain using a
The principle of adding domains is the same everywhere, you shoud to add the correct A, MX records

Picture "Selecting a registrar"

Go to the list of all purchased domains, find the necessary domain and click “Edit”

Picture "DNS servers and zone management"

Find “Clear zone” and then proceed to “Add record”

Picture "Clear a zone and add an entry"

Select “A-record”, enter (without quotes) in Subdomain “mail“, and in IP Address “” and click “Done”

Picture "Filling in the A-record fields"

In the “MX record” we enter: in the Mail Server, we fill the “mail”, Subdomain unchanged (or @), Priority 0-High.

Picture "Filling in the fields of an MX-record"

Setup is complete! We return to our Telegram bot, and enter this domain.

Picture "Completing the setup, entering the telegram bot domain"

After the domain is linked, you can use it, specify mail_type= in the mail request
And specify the domain / domains by listing them without commas and space.
mail_type=mine — all linked domains in random order

Or when ordering mail on the site, choose — “Our domains” “My domain”

The price for getting emails on your own domain is 0.05 rubles, you can also use them when working with the tariff

Why do we charge money for this, but competitors don’t?
Some customers ask such a question after they find free analogues of temporary mail.
The answer is simple — it’s not free too, these services have limit requests (prices at increased volumes are many times higher than ours).
They are monetized at the expense of the displayed ads, we don`t have this.
The domain that you are adding to them is used by everyone, it’s terrible if you have found some unique scheme and bought an expensive domain for this.